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In order to further strengthen the fire safety knowledge of employees, improve safety awareness, enhance self-protection ability, improve fire prevention and control ability and emergency response ability, learn to use fire fighting equipment and all kinds of fire fighting equipment and facilities correctly, all employees of Qingyuan Decheng Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. organized a fire drill on the afternoon of May 18, 2022, under the leadership of Mr.Liu, the manager of Safety and Environment Department.




At 14:30 PM, when hearing the fire alarm, all staffs evacuate in an orderly and fast manner and evacuate from all posts to the assembly place of the fire drill within 1 minute.




The fire fighting drill was held in the open area of the factory. The purpose of the drill is to improve the company's overall fire prevention and control level. Once a fire occurs, be calm; everyone must know what to do, how to call the police correctly, and how to properly put out the initial fire, and how to evacuate people.




Everyone learns about fire safety knowledge and tries how to use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire correctly.


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In order to further strengthen the implementation of the "Safety first, precaution crucial, comprehensive management" policy of chemical enterprises, this exercise also conducted an emergency drill of ethylene oxide leakage. Under the guidance of professionals in the storage tank area, every colleague in the production workshop correctly uses positive pressure breathing apparatus on site. And ensure normal oxygen supply in toxic gas environment in case of leakage. Rescue measures should be carried out under the premise of ensuring their own safety.


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Simulation of ethylene oxide tank truck during loading and unloading leakage emergency rescue implementation, operation drill correctly and use of fire water fast to dissolve gaseous ethylene oxide.




This fire drill has improved the safety awareness of all employees and has a better understanding of fire safety common sense. Most of the employees at the drill site can effectively organize and quickly respond to fire accident alarms. The exercise was successfully completed under the leadership of all leaders and the active cooperation of all colleagues.



"Hidden danger is more dangerous than open fire, prevention is better than disaster relief". This drill made everyone feel the importance of daily prevention of fire safety, and put safety first in daily work and production. Fire safety is everyone's business.













Created on:2022年5月20日

Company Holds a Fire Emergency Drill-消防应急演练

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